Launch your website instantly without a hassle

Designed for all developers, Chameleon is an ultimate framework to establish your .

Create Websites At Once; Apply Changes Instantly!

No Back-End Required, Develop Right Inside Database!

How Does It Work

You're only a few simple steps away
1Create Database

Download Install.sql script and run it over an SQL Server 2016+ Instance to get a sample ChameleonDb database.

2Download a Host

Download a Chameleon Host suited to your platform or your intereset from Download page and extract it in a folder.


Lanuch downloaded Chameleon Host and open http://localhost:5000 in your browser. It's done!

Seamless Integrations

Chameleon can be hosted by any framework

Get Started in No Time

Chameleon makes it super easy to create your website, so you can instantly start posting blogs, promoting your products, developing web APIs, creating content or landing pages or any page you desire.